Most People Hate Being Sold To.... a belief you might have about what other people think of sales.
You're an entrepreneur. You're a business person. You're someone who has a great product or service, but don't want to come off as being that typical pushy salesperson.
You also have expenses. You have to pay for food. You have to pay for shelter. And in order to pay for these things you need to sell your product or service.
Now the question is, if I know my product or service is good for the world, how do I sell so much of it so that I can live the life I want to live, without coming across as being pushy?
Hi, I'm Coach George Wang
I'ver been in business and sales since I was 17 years old when I hosted my first of many raves in San Francisco, but my story starts even before this.
At 14 years old I was just your normal kid playing N64 with friends, when suddenly I was diagnosed with with a rare kidney disease and lung tumor that forced my doctors to remove 2/3 of my right lung.
While personally traumatic, this experience taught me the value of life, and for me, that values comes in the human to human connections we make.
So I became obsessed with human behavior.
At age 19 I began studying Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and when I got my first "real job" in health club sales, I immediately rose to become one of the top 10 sales agents out of an organization of over 700, in my very 2nd month, all because of this skill set I developed.
Since then, I've used these same skills to close deals with some of the largest companies in the world, including Phillips Lighting, Adidas, and a lot more household names we're all familiar with.
After years in the selling profession, hosting sales trainings across Silicon Valley and teaching NLP skills at various schools, I'm now on a mission to empower other ethical, mission based entrepreneurs to learn these same skills so they can share their gifts with the world, provide the life they want for themselves and their families, achieve all their dreams, all without being pushy.
So How Do You Sell Without Being Pushy?
The first step is to create a process that allows you to be pull-y instead of pushy.
What this means is instead of your prospect feeling like someone is "pushing" a product onto them, it feels instead like they're being "pulled" towards you and you're offering.
You become a human magnet that attracts people to say yes.
And how do you become a human magnet? This is where I come in.....
The Sales Behavior Process
After selling to individuals and corporations of all sizes, I've developed a step-by-step process that provides you the skills, tools, and confidence to close deals seamlessly.
These skills and tools are a combination of sales processes plus teachings from behavioral sciences including, but not limited to, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnotic language patterns, and others.
My goal is to empower you to become a confident entrepreneur and salesperson by understanding the science of human behavior, the art of influence, and the secrets of the Sales Behavior Process, so you can live the the life of your dreams for yourself and your loved ones.
All this without coming off as being pushy!
This is what you can expect when you go through this program.
Here's what you get:
- 6-weekly 3-hour LIVE video training sessions where you'll learn behavioral sales processes happening each Saturday beginning January 9, 2021 at 9:30AM PST, 12:30 PM EST
- In case you can't make one of the live trainings, all sessions will be recorded and uploaded within 48 hours and available to you for LIFE!
- Live practice sessions with your fellow peers so you can experience and practice these techniques first hand
- 5 optional "office hours" between training sessions - These are in case you can't make it to one of the live sessions and/or you have any questions related to what was taught
- *** For this inaugural class only, all future bonuses that are offered in this program's future launches will also be available in the dashboard as they become available.
Here's what you learn:
- How to diagnose your prospects thinking patterns and adjust yours to match
- Instant and ethical rapport building techniques
- The 4 psychological levels of human behavior and how to present to each
- How to ethically create a strong buying-need in your prospect's mind using psychological reference points
- The Box method to overcome objections that stem from your prospects belief system
- Revolutionary closing techniques that use your prospects value system to make a buying decision, instead of feeling like they're being sold to
- And much more..... A whole lot more!!
Here's who you become:
- A top notch speaker who can deliver their message the way their prospects can receive it
- A confident entrepreneur and sales person who knows what to say and how to say it
- The person who decides this is my business, my life, and I will design it the way I choose
Here's how you're protected:
- I'm so confident in this program that if after attending just Day 1 of the program, if you don't feel you learned enough to earn at least an additional $50K in gross revenue within the next 12-24 months from these techniques, then just let us know within 24 hours of the end of day 1 and we'll refund your money, no questions asked!
- This guarantee is extended for the entire 6-week program for the Inaugural class
Now is the time!!
Click the "Register Now" button below to become the person who sells with ease without being pushy.

Example Testimonial 1
This is left blank for now, and I am hoping to fill it with some amazing testimonials from this inaugural class

Testimonial 2
This is left blank for now, and I am hoping to fill it with some amazing testimonials from this inaugural class

Testimonial 3
This is left blank for now, and I am hoping to fill it with some amazing testimonials from this inaugural class
Example Curriculum
How long do I have access to the course?
Within 48 hours after the end of each live session, the lesson will be uploaded and you will have access to these for LIFE.
What happens if I can't make a live session?
No problem! First, you can watch the recording of the session that will be up within 48 hours after that live session ends - Also, there will be an office hour every Wednesday at 5PM PST, 8PM EST to ask any questions you have.
What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)?
NLP is an evolving behavioral science developed in the late 1970's that focuses on how our "neurology" is "programmed" based off of our experiences and habitual language patterns, aka "linguistics". It then seeks to use those same language patterns to influence change in a person's programming for the benefit of all involved. This field of study was founded by 2 professors at UC Santa Cruz who worked and modeled Milton Erickson (the first psychiatrist to bring hypnosis into main stream medicine), Fritz Perls (founder of Gestalt Therapy) and Virginia Satir (America's top family therapist during her years). Today it's used by top personal development coaches such as Tony Robbins and many other to influence behavior and lead others to positive change.